Showing Tag: "parent" (Show all posts)

Georgia Hope Inc is Going to the Circus, Universoul Circus

Posted by Janine Porter on Tuesday, January 15, 2019, In : Events 

If you didn’t get a chance to support Georgia’s foster children for the Christmas Party 2018, there’s still time. Sponsor a foster child for the Universoul Circus showing March 9, 2019 in Duluth. We are looking to sponsor 50 children for the March 9th showing of Universoul Circus at Gwinnet Place Mall in Duluth.

Your generous donation brings together family and children of all ages to see sites they may never have had the opportunity to have seen before. Thanks to friends and community p...

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Why Did I Foster?

Posted by Janine Porter on Friday, November 3, 2017, In : Why Foster? 
Over the years so many people have asked me, "Why did I decide to foster and why so many children? I received comments like, “I couldn’t do that”, “What about your own children?”, “What about your quality of life?”

My response has always been the same. I shrug my shoulders and say “Why not?  I have the means to provide for another child, why wouldn’t I? Every child needs a home and every child needs a family and positive experiences”.

Let’s take a look at this a little clo...

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What Foster Parents Should Know About Emotional Investment

Posted by Janine Porter on Tuesday, October 10, 2017, In : Foster Parent Support 
What Foster Parents Should Know About Emotional Investment
By Jamie Nestrick  

As foster parents, we have to walk a fine line between being 100% emotionally invested in the kids in our care, but not at all attached to any particular outcome.

When I started writing this article, it was titled, “The Dangers of Optimism in Foster Parenting.” As I began to write, though, I realized the problem isn’t optimism—which is a good thing, because I am impractically optimistic and I’ve been failing...

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Georgia Hope Inc.'s Chicken Nuggets: Wisdom for Happy Families

Posted by Janine Porter on Tuesday, October 10, 2017, In : Georgia Hope Newsletter 
Welcome to our July's Newsletter's Chicken Nuggets! Here are a few words of wisdom to help you through the trying times. Yes, we all have them!

Sleepless children-Allow children to run free outside or in a safe area, tire them out, feed them, bathe them. Spray lavender in the air, play soft music and allow them to drift away to sleepy land. Nighty-night!

Cursing kids-Choose a funny word. Tell the child instead of using the bad word choose the funny word. You use it too and watch those bad words...

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